Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Monday, November 29, 2004
Like she's ever actually eaten fast food:
"SUPERMODEL Heidi Klum is swapping saucy French lingerie for French fries and ketchup in a tasty two-year meal-deal to endorse McDonald's.
The Victoria's Secret babe and the fast-food chain seem an unlikely combo but according to McDonald's spokesman Alexander Schramm, the cover girl was picked because 'she is a young mother and represents a modern lifestyle'."
I was hoping a modern lifestyle meant making better choices.... but then, I am aware of the choices made during the election too....
"SUPERMODEL Heidi Klum is swapping saucy French lingerie for French fries and ketchup in a tasty two-year meal-deal to endorse McDonald's.
The Victoria's Secret babe and the fast-food chain seem an unlikely combo but according to McDonald's spokesman Alexander Schramm, the cover girl was picked because 'she is a young mother and represents a modern lifestyle'."
I was hoping a modern lifestyle meant making better choices.... but then, I am aware of the choices made during the election too....
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Ok, last time I mention anything about this stupid sandwich: Church unlikely to swallow holy toast:
"The grilled-cheese sandwich purported to bear the image of the Virgin Mary, which sold for $28,000 on the Internet auction site eBay last week, likely will not meet the church's criteria of a divine apparition, according to Catholic experts and theologians.
The church follows a formal process for recognizing miracles and sacred apparitions, said Bill Ryan, a spokesman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, D.C. It begins with an investigation by the bishop of the diocese in which the supernatural event occurred."
"The grilled-cheese sandwich purported to bear the image of the Virgin Mary, which sold for $28,000 on the Internet auction site eBay last week, likely will not meet the church's criteria of a divine apparition, according to Catholic experts and theologians.
The church follows a formal process for recognizing miracles and sacred apparitions, said Bill Ryan, a spokesman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, D.C. It begins with an investigation by the bishop of the diocese in which the supernatural event occurred."
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
'Virgin Mary' toast fetches $28,000: "A decade-old toasted cheese sandwich said to bear an image of the Virgin Mary has sold on the eBay auction website for $28,000.
An internet casino confirmed it had purchased the sandwich, saying it had become a 'part of pop culture'.
Goldenpalace.com says it will take the sandwich on world tour before selling it and donating the money to charity."
An internet casino confirmed it had purchased the sandwich, saying it had become a 'part of pop culture'.
Goldenpalace.com says it will take the sandwich on world tour before selling it and donating the money to charity."
Monday, November 22, 2004
It's the economy, stupid:
Worldwide effects of sinking dollar : "The dollar is now down 50 percent against the euro since October 2000, and hit a its lowest level since 1995 against a basket of foreign currencies last week.
While the shift isn't entirely new, it has accelerated since President Bush's reelection. Some observers say the timing reflects concern that Mr. Bush - with his emphasis on tax cuts - won't be able to rein in record budget deficits.
'The general perception was that under the Bush administration there would be less concentration on tackling the two deficits,' says Richard Reid, European economist for Citigroup, the world's largest financial institution.
He was referring to the $412 billion budget deficit and the approximately $600 billion trade deficit the US ran in 2004. A trade deficit must be financed by other nations willing to hold US currency."
Why is that Republicans, supposedly so interested in economic issues, continue to put blinders on when it comes the Bush tax/deficit plan? It's not working, it has never worked - it never will work!! It feels so obvious to many of us in the world. It's very frustrating - like trying to teach a child a simple fact that they simply refuse to understand. Yes, I'm calling Republicans children in this regard. I understand the economic theory that they propose - but after twenty plus years of trying it, from Reagan forward, with a very prosperous break in the middle with Clinton, why can't they see that it just doesn't work?
Worldwide effects of sinking dollar : "The dollar is now down 50 percent against the euro since October 2000, and hit a its lowest level since 1995 against a basket of foreign currencies last week.
While the shift isn't entirely new, it has accelerated since President Bush's reelection. Some observers say the timing reflects concern that Mr. Bush - with his emphasis on tax cuts - won't be able to rein in record budget deficits.
'The general perception was that under the Bush administration there would be less concentration on tackling the two deficits,' says Richard Reid, European economist for Citigroup, the world's largest financial institution.
He was referring to the $412 billion budget deficit and the approximately $600 billion trade deficit the US ran in 2004. A trade deficit must be financed by other nations willing to hold US currency."
Why is that Republicans, supposedly so interested in economic issues, continue to put blinders on when it comes the Bush tax/deficit plan? It's not working, it has never worked - it never will work!! It feels so obvious to many of us in the world. It's very frustrating - like trying to teach a child a simple fact that they simply refuse to understand. Yes, I'm calling Republicans children in this regard. I understand the economic theory that they propose - but after twenty plus years of trying it, from Reagan forward, with a very prosperous break in the middle with Clinton, why can't they see that it just doesn't work?
I'm more than a little speechless at this: "This site is dedicated to spreading the Gospel in the werewolf and furry communities. It is my hope that many trans-species people will accept Jesus as their Savior through this ministry."
I'm glad this person loves Jesus... but to believe that one is really a dragon in a human body? Where's the surgeon that is going to be able to carry that one out?
And I thought Hollywood was odd sometimes.....
I'm glad this person loves Jesus... but to believe that one is really a dragon in a human body? Where's the surgeon that is going to be able to carry that one out?
And I thought Hollywood was odd sometimes.....
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Today is the 6 month anniversary of my heart attack. (Well, sort of. I actually had it at 11:00 PM on the 19th... but this is the day I woke up in the hospital after my stent was placed.)
So, to celebrate, I rode with the Cardiac Cyclists Club. Boy, does my butt hurt! Scheduled as a "century" (that's a bike ride of a hundred miles) we actually did 86.5 miles. My butt really hurts. Longest ride I've ever done, the previous high was 70.
I'm really pleased with myself - it was a good way to prove "I'm back."
Have I mentioned how much my butt hurts? :)
So, to celebrate, I rode with the Cardiac Cyclists Club. Boy, does my butt hurt! Scheduled as a "century" (that's a bike ride of a hundred miles) we actually did 86.5 miles. My butt really hurts. Longest ride I've ever done, the previous high was 70.
I'm really pleased with myself - it was a good way to prove "I'm back."
Have I mentioned how much my butt hurts? :)
Thursday, November 18, 2004
GOP may change rule to aid DeLay / Effort to protect his role in House even if indicted in Texas
House Republicans proposed changing their rules Tuesday night to allow members indicted by state grand juries to remain in a leadership post, a move that would benefit Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, in case he is charged by a Texas grand jury that has indicted three of his political associates, according to GOP leaders.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, said Tuesday night: "If they make this rules change, Republicans will confirm yet again that they simply do not care if their leaders are ethical."
These are the people that got elected because of "Moral Values?" This is just more of the same, a feeling of entitlement.... Seems to me like DeLay and the Republicans are spending some of their political capital. But like I tell my kids - spend your money wisely, don't spend it on junk. Sounds like the Republicans could do to heed that advice.
House Republicans proposed changing their rules Tuesday night to allow members indicted by state grand juries to remain in a leadership post, a move that would benefit Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, in case he is charged by a Texas grand jury that has indicted three of his political associates, according to GOP leaders.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, said Tuesday night: "If they make this rules change, Republicans will confirm yet again that they simply do not care if their leaders are ethical."
These are the people that got elected because of "Moral Values?" This is just more of the same, a feeling of entitlement.... Seems to me like DeLay and the Republicans are spending some of their political capital. But like I tell my kids - spend your money wisely, don't spend it on junk. Sounds like the Republicans could do to heed that advice.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
I'll bet Condaleeza Rice is really jealous
I thought Bush had a crush on Condy, all this time....
Spellings was a major player in drafting the No Child Left Behind education initiative. It's one of the biggest failings of our current education system.
"The No Child Left Behind Act, passed in January 2002, requires each state to demonstrate that it has developed challenging standards for students in reading and math and, in future years, science. Each state must annually test every child's progress in reading and math in third through eighth grades and at least once during 10th through 12th grades."
What this does is test, test and test. Currently, there are 21 days of standardized testing in our local high school. That is one full month of instruction!! Taken up to do what? Find out if there's enough instruction going on? And what of all the days of preparation? These tests are not tests of the student's abilities - it is a test that is trying to find some "accountability" of the teachers. So the teachers respond by teaching only what the test will cover.
Instead of trying to make a teacher's job dependent on their student's ability to take tests, we should have merit pay and local accountability for teachers. Teachers should have an annual review of their performance by their supervisors - the local school principal. What, you say? That leaves too much in the hands of principal's who may not be qualified? You mean, just like your boss at your company? That's the way the world works. If your boss is a failure, then his/her supervisor will have to make them accountable, just the way a school principal will have to be held accountable by their supervisor. Is all testing bad? No, but when it gets in the way of learning, when it is truly designed not to aid the student but the administration, then it is badly flawed. After all those years of supporting the public school system, this crazy movement toward testing is the straw that broke the camel's back, and we moved our boys into private school. Currently, there is *one* day of testing - and that is either the PSAT or SAT, depending on the grade level.

I thought Bush had a crush on Condy, all this time....
Spellings was a major player in drafting the No Child Left Behind education initiative. It's one of the biggest failings of our current education system.
"The No Child Left Behind Act, passed in January 2002, requires each state to demonstrate that it has developed challenging standards for students in reading and math and, in future years, science. Each state must annually test every child's progress in reading and math in third through eighth grades and at least once during 10th through 12th grades."
What this does is test, test and test. Currently, there are 21 days of standardized testing in our local high school. That is one full month of instruction!! Taken up to do what? Find out if there's enough instruction going on? And what of all the days of preparation? These tests are not tests of the student's abilities - it is a test that is trying to find some "accountability" of the teachers. So the teachers respond by teaching only what the test will cover.
Instead of trying to make a teacher's job dependent on their student's ability to take tests, we should have merit pay and local accountability for teachers. Teachers should have an annual review of their performance by their supervisors - the local school principal. What, you say? That leaves too much in the hands of principal's who may not be qualified? You mean, just like your boss at your company? That's the way the world works. If your boss is a failure, then his/her supervisor will have to make them accountable, just the way a school principal will have to be held accountable by their supervisor. Is all testing bad? No, but when it gets in the way of learning, when it is truly designed not to aid the student but the administration, then it is badly flawed. After all those years of supporting the public school system, this crazy movement toward testing is the straw that broke the camel's back, and we moved our boys into private school. Currently, there is *one* day of testing - and that is either the PSAT or SAT, depending on the grade level.
Strange thing that happened to me this week.....
Monday I went to a spinning class at the gym across the street. I usually do at least three each week, work out another day or two, ride the stationary bike at home and then take a long bike ride on the weekends. But I digress. I hadn't been to a Monday class before, so there were some people there I hadn't seen before. There was one guy, obviously very fit, off in the corner. He had a mostly shaved head, except for two small braids in the front that stuck up, sort of like horns. He worked the whole class like a maniac! About half way through, he started smacking himself in the head - whack! Whack! All in time to the music..... everyone is just looking at him, wondering why this guy is so angry. Sure, he looks a little like a punk, but he's obviously not a gutterpunk, and he's working out at Gold's Gym. Soon, he starts staring himself down in the mirror. Without warning... he starts punching the mirror and growling at himself. Bam! Bam! I thought the mirror might break. Well, the class ended without major incident, and I left. It occurred to me that this guy was going to look back at this time in his life and wonder, "What was I so angry about?"
So today, I go back to spinning class and had a fine workout. Punk boy wasn't there, just a number of people I usually see on Wednesdays. But toward the end of the class, the instructor lets us know that one of the other Gold's Gym instructors is on the CBS show, "The Amazing Race 6." Adam, she tells us, is on the show and we should watch. Someone makes an odd gesture.... puts up their two index fingers on top of their head like horns! I immediately recall the guy from Monday... and begin to wonder. Could it be the same guy?
CBS - The Amazing Race
Guess what... it is! So here's a little "inside" information - he certainly didn't tell us anything - but if he's so dang angry, my guess is that he's already lost. He'd be a lot happier with a million bucks in his pocket.... and maybe wouldn't be smacking himself in the head.
Monday I went to a spinning class at the gym across the street. I usually do at least three each week, work out another day or two, ride the stationary bike at home and then take a long bike ride on the weekends. But I digress. I hadn't been to a Monday class before, so there were some people there I hadn't seen before. There was one guy, obviously very fit, off in the corner. He had a mostly shaved head, except for two small braids in the front that stuck up, sort of like horns. He worked the whole class like a maniac! About half way through, he started smacking himself in the head - whack! Whack! All in time to the music..... everyone is just looking at him, wondering why this guy is so angry. Sure, he looks a little like a punk, but he's obviously not a gutterpunk, and he's working out at Gold's Gym. Soon, he starts staring himself down in the mirror. Without warning... he starts punching the mirror and growling at himself. Bam! Bam! I thought the mirror might break. Well, the class ended without major incident, and I left. It occurred to me that this guy was going to look back at this time in his life and wonder, "What was I so angry about?"
So today, I go back to spinning class and had a fine workout. Punk boy wasn't there, just a number of people I usually see on Wednesdays. But toward the end of the class, the instructor lets us know that one of the other Gold's Gym instructors is on the CBS show, "The Amazing Race 6." Adam, she tells us, is on the show and we should watch. Someone makes an odd gesture.... puts up their two index fingers on top of their head like horns! I immediately recall the guy from Monday... and begin to wonder. Could it be the same guy?
CBS - The Amazing Race
Guess what... it is! So here's a little "inside" information - he certainly didn't tell us anything - but if he's so dang angry, my guess is that he's already lost. He'd be a lot happier with a million bucks in his pocket.... and maybe wouldn't be smacking himself in the head.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Hardee's Newest Menu Item: 'Monster Thickburger' :
"The Hardee's fast food chain has rolled out its new 1,400-calorie Monster Thickburger, with 107 grams of fat.
The sandwich boasts two one-third-pound beef patties, four strips of bacon, three slices of cheese, topped with mayonnaise on a buttered sesame seed bun."
Here's their online survey:
Will you try the Monster Thickburger?
Yes, I can't wait!
Yes, probably at some point.
Maybe, if I'm really feeling hungry.
No, that's way too unhealthy.
No, I don't eat at Hardee's.
You can see the monstrosity at:
Hardee's - Home Page
I don't get it......
I had a donut the other day and felt horrible for a day and a half. Of course, I don't eat much of anything with all this fat in it anymore. But my cholesterol is waaaay down..... at total of 107! It was down to 170 before my heart attack , which is in the pretty good range. Now, it's remarkably low! The combination of drugs, lots of exercise and not eating anything with taste is really working!
"The Hardee's fast food chain has rolled out its new 1,400-calorie Monster Thickburger, with 107 grams of fat.
The sandwich boasts two one-third-pound beef patties, four strips of bacon, three slices of cheese, topped with mayonnaise on a buttered sesame seed bun."
Here's their online survey:
Will you try the Monster Thickburger?
Yes, I can't wait!
Yes, probably at some point.
Maybe, if I'm really feeling hungry.
No, that's way too unhealthy.
No, I don't eat at Hardee's.
You can see the monstrosity at:
Hardee's - Home Page
I don't get it......
I had a donut the other day and felt horrible for a day and a half. Of course, I don't eat much of anything with all this fat in it anymore. But my cholesterol is waaaay down..... at total of 107! It was down to 170 before my heart attack , which is in the pretty good range. Now, it's remarkably low! The combination of drugs, lots of exercise and not eating anything with taste is really working!
eBay reopens Virgin mary cheese sandwich auction
It's back!!
eBay item 5535890757 (Ends Nov-22-04 17:22:07 PST) - Virgin Mary In Grilled Cheese NOT A HOAX ! LOOK & SEE !
Yes, the Virgin Mary incased in cheese has returned. The bidding apparently is real - and up to $5100 at the moment. The seller points out that "there is no mold or disingration, The item has not been preserved or anything, It has been keep in a plastic case, not a special one that seals out air or potiental mold or bacteria, it is like a miracle, It has just preserved itself which in itself I consider a miracle, people ask me if I have had blessings since she has been in my home, I do feel I have, I have won $70,000 (total) on different occasions at the casino near by my house"
Great! A casino loving, grilled cheese eating seller of Virgin Mary memorabilia wants your money!! This is truly America, I tell ya.
It's back!!
eBay item 5535890757 (Ends Nov-22-04 17:22:07 PST) - Virgin Mary In Grilled Cheese NOT A HOAX ! LOOK & SEE !
Yes, the Virgin Mary incased in cheese has returned. The bidding apparently is real - and up to $5100 at the moment. The seller points out that "there is no mold or disingration, The item has not been preserved or anything, It has been keep in a plastic case, not a special one that seals out air or potiental mold or bacteria, it is like a miracle, It has just preserved itself which in itself I consider a miracle, people ask me if I have had blessings since she has been in my home, I do feel I have, I have won $70,000 (total) on different occasions at the casino near by my house"
Great! A casino loving, grilled cheese eating seller of Virgin Mary memorabilia wants your money!! This is truly America, I tell ya.
So Stephen Hopkins pointed out that John Kerry and Herman Munster have never been in the same room together:

Coincidence? Stephen thinks not. :)

Coincidence? Stephen thinks not. :)
Monday, November 15, 2004
Charges dropped in bogus $200 Bush bill : "Trautwine wasn't aware that the bill wasn't actual legal tender, said her attorney, Harry Smail Jr."
So she gets off because she's dumb? You know, if my money looks like there's a picture of Alfred E. Newman on it, then I'm pretty sure I better double check it.
Have you ever noticed that you never see George W. Bush and Alfred E. Newman in the same room? Coincidence? I think not.

So she gets off because she's dumb? You know, if my money looks like there's a picture of Alfred E. Newman on it, then I'm pretty sure I better double check it.
Have you ever noticed that you never see George W. Bush and Alfred E. Newman in the same room? Coincidence? I think not.

Colin Powell submits resignation : "Powell is the most prominent of four Cabinet officials whose resignations were announced Monday by the White House.
The others were Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, Education Secretary Rod Paige and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham."
So what's the deal with this? Why so many Cabinet defections? Is it because W is done with these people? Have they served their purpose in his nefarious plan and now it's time to bring in the folks who will really carry out a radical right-wing plan? Or, after four years, have these folks just plain had enough? I know that being involved with the White House is tough, but it just seems to me that there are more people leaving than in past administrations.
The others were Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, Education Secretary Rod Paige and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham."
So what's the deal with this? Why so many Cabinet defections? Is it because W is done with these people? Have they served their purpose in his nefarious plan and now it's time to bring in the folks who will really carry out a radical right-wing plan? Or, after four years, have these folks just plain had enough? I know that being involved with the White House is tough, but it just seems to me that there are more people leaving than in past administrations.
Invalid Item
Well, the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese sandwich is no more. eBay has pulled it. I wonder why? Is the sandwich no longer valid? The seller? Or are they making some crack about the Virgin Mary?
My guess is that the bidding got out of control. Dan'l pointed out that the bidding had risen all the way to $20,000. Oh well - we'll just have to wait for next appearance of the Blessed Virgin in the teeth marks of a Tootsie Pop....
Well, the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese sandwich is no more. eBay has pulled it. I wonder why? Is the sandwich no longer valid? The seller? Or are they making some crack about the Virgin Mary?
My guess is that the bidding got out of control. Dan'l pointed out that the bidding had risen all the way to $20,000. Oh well - we'll just have to wait for next appearance of the Blessed Virgin in the teeth marks of a Tootsie Pop....
Sunday, November 14, 2004
What a bunch of losers! Why didn't anyone tell me that this was World Kindness Week?
Great - just great. Thanks a lot!
Great - just great. Thanks a lot!
Friday, November 12, 2004
Own the Virgin Mary as she appeared in this guy's grilled cheese sandwich!!
As I write this, the bidding is up to $2000.00. Now, I'm sure that bid isn't going to stand... but what about all these other $20 to $50 bids? For a ten year old cheese sandwich. Man... I need to go through my trash.

As I write this, the bidding is up to $2000.00. Now, I'm sure that bid isn't going to stand... but what about all these other $20 to $50 bids? For a ten year old cheese sandwich. Man... I need to go through my trash.

What's next? Hopscotch?
Don't throw those little markers on the playground!! Someone might trip on them!!
South Korean activist ends risky diet of junk food:
"'Just five days into my experiment, my liver went wrong, and I began suffering from headaches and fatigue as time passed by,' Yoon said.
'I hope my experiment will scare people, especially children, off fast food or warn them of its dangers,' Yoon said, pointing to the rapid growth of fast food outlets in South Korea.
He urged television stations to restrict fast food advertising, which has a massive influence on children.
He said South Korea's economic development plus the booming fast food industry was prompting a change in dietary habits.
His group said about 15,000 South Koreans eat fast food three times a day and 300,000 people once a day."
Amazing... the other day at Burger King (yes, I know, why was I there? It's an "after church" meeting place. I had a Quiznos sandwich and only bought a Diet Coke from BK. Did you know they are still selling their Veggie Burger? Take off the the mayo and it's 300 Calories and 7 grams of fat compared to a Whopper with Cheese's 800 calories and 49 grams of fat.), I saw a kid who looked nearly identical to the child in the photo down below on this blog. He was with his father, who was enormous as well - easily 450 pounds. Another 50 pounds and this guy isn't going to be able to walk. I really wished I had my camera. It would have made a perfect bookend to the other photo.
Anyway - back to the story above. Is it any surprise that this Korean activist is going to make a movie of his self imposed "ordeal?" And how is it that 15,000 South Koreans can survive while eating fast food three times a day? I keep looking at these sorts of things and wonder, "Why was it that I'm the one with the heart attack?" How do these people stay alive?
"'Just five days into my experiment, my liver went wrong, and I began suffering from headaches and fatigue as time passed by,' Yoon said.
'I hope my experiment will scare people, especially children, off fast food or warn them of its dangers,' Yoon said, pointing to the rapid growth of fast food outlets in South Korea.
He urged television stations to restrict fast food advertising, which has a massive influence on children.
He said South Korea's economic development plus the booming fast food industry was prompting a change in dietary habits.
His group said about 15,000 South Koreans eat fast food three times a day and 300,000 people once a day."
Amazing... the other day at Burger King (yes, I know, why was I there? It's an "after church" meeting place. I had a Quiznos sandwich and only bought a Diet Coke from BK. Did you know they are still selling their Veggie Burger? Take off the the mayo and it's 300 Calories and 7 grams of fat compared to a Whopper with Cheese's 800 calories and 49 grams of fat.), I saw a kid who looked nearly identical to the child in the photo down below on this blog. He was with his father, who was enormous as well - easily 450 pounds. Another 50 pounds and this guy isn't going to be able to walk. I really wished I had my camera. It would have made a perfect bookend to the other photo.
Anyway - back to the story above. Is it any surprise that this Korean activist is going to make a movie of his self imposed "ordeal?" And how is it that 15,000 South Koreans can survive while eating fast food three times a day? I keep looking at these sorts of things and wonder, "Why was it that I'm the one with the heart attack?" How do these people stay alive?
Thursday, November 11, 2004
This is the funniest spam I've ever received
I never recommend things I receive via email. But this one cracked me up.
I never recommend things I receive via email. But this one cracked me up.

And so it begins:
U.S. ambassador intervened in Halliburton contract, documents show:
"State Department documents appear to contradict the Bush administration's assertion that all decisions involving Halliburton's contracts were handled only by career contracting officers for the government."
Let's hope this whole mess finally gets the scrutiny it deserves!
U.S. ambassador intervened in Halliburton contract, documents show:
"State Department documents appear to contradict the Bush administration's assertion that all decisions involving Halliburton's contracts were handled only by career contracting officers for the government."
Let's hope this whole mess finally gets the scrutiny it deserves!
Oh, shut up already! : "Ralph Nader , an independent presidential candidate this year, has called for recounts of November 2 voting results saying that amid allegations of irregularities, he wanted to ensure that every ballot was counted."
Maybe if it was someone else, I could handle this. But Ralph is really getting on my nerves.
Maybe if it was someone else, I could handle this. But Ralph is really getting on my nerves.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
"This breaking news just in - Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead!"
Palestinian leader Arafat dies at 75

Palestinian leader Arafat dies at 75
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Ashcroft and Evans resign from Bush Cabinet: "Ashcroft, in a five-page, handwritten letter to Bush, said, 'The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved."
Oh yes. I feel safe. No terrorism, no crime! Thank you John Ashcroft - savior of America!
What a bonehead.
Oh yes. I feel safe. No terrorism, no crime! Thank you John Ashcroft - savior of America!
What a bonehead.
Sure, I'm not happy about the election results, But this guy is really mad!

Didn't I used to see these advertised in the back of Boy's Life?
Now, they're spending millions on this stuff.... all in the name of "airport security." Think of all the loonies that are going to sign up with the TSA now. Just see Grandma's bra.....
Friday, November 05, 2004
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Bush banks on political capital for second term:
This is why many people are worried about Bush's second term:
"'I earned capital in the campaign--political capital--and now I intend to spend it,' Bush told a news conference a day after Democrat John Kerry conceded the election to the president and the two men talked about the need for unity."
These aren't the words of someone looking to heal a nation - them's "fightin'" words. He clearly feels he has a mandate to do whatever the hell he wants - no matter who gets trampled.
Bush want's to leave a legacy - destroying Social Security is one area he hopes to put his mark on - but it will be a legacy of debt and destruction. Our environment, our relationships with the world and our economy. It won't be four years and out - it'll be decades of work to undo the disaster of Bush2.
This is why many people are worried about Bush's second term:
"'I earned capital in the campaign--political capital--and now I intend to spend it,' Bush told a news conference a day after Democrat John Kerry conceded the election to the president and the two men talked about the need for unity."
These aren't the words of someone looking to heal a nation - them's "fightin'" words. He clearly feels he has a mandate to do whatever the hell he wants - no matter who gets trampled.
Bush want's to leave a legacy - destroying Social Security is one area he hopes to put his mark on - but it will be a legacy of debt and destruction. Our environment, our relationships with the world and our economy. It won't be four years and out - it'll be decades of work to undo the disaster of Bush2.
Spammers convicted; first felony case: "A Virginia jury's conviction Wednesday of a brother and sister in the nation's first felony prosecution of spammers is a landmark victory in the war against unwanted junk e-mail, industry experts said."
Nine years in prison - let's hope this guy's cellmate isn't angry about getting spam. Or, that he never sent in money for those penis enlargement pills!!
Now if we can track down those contemptible fax advertisers....
Nine years in prison - let's hope this guy's cellmate isn't angry about getting spam. Or, that he never sent in money for those penis enlargement pills!!
Now if we can track down those contemptible fax advertisers....
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Sound Familiar?
"The spirit of cooperation I have seen in this hall is what is needed in Washington, D.C. It is the challenge of our moment. After a difficult election, we must put politics behind us and work together to make the promise of America available for every one of our citizens.
I am optimistic that we can change the tone in Washington, D.C.
I believe things happen for a reason, and I hope the long wait .... will heighten a desire to move beyond the bitterness and partisanship of the recent past.
Our nation must rise above a house divided. Americans share hopes and goals and values far more important than any political disagreements.
Republicans want the best for our nation, and so do Democrats. Our votes may differ, but not our hopes.
I know America wants reconciliation and unity. I know Americans want progress. And we must seize this moment and deliver.
Together, guided by a spirit of common sense, common courtesy and common goals, we can unite and inspire the American citizens."
George W. Bush - December 2000.
Today, G.W.B. said:
"With that trust comes a duty to serve all Americans, and I will do my best to fulfil that duty every day as your president.
Reaching these goals will require the broad support of Americans, so today I want to speak to every person who voted for my opponent.
To make this nation stronger and better, I will need your support and I will work to earn it. I will do all I can do to deserve your trust.
A new term is a new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation. We have one country, one constitution, and one future that binds us.
And when we come together and work together, there is no limit to the greatness of America."
It wasn't true when he said it in 2000, and it isn't true today. Why was this election so bitter? Why was is the country so divided? Why are there so many hurt feelings? Because G.W.B. doesn't really want to be "A Uniter, not a Divider." He, and his posse, relish the fight. They mobilize their base, they don't reach out to others. He has no intention of serving all Americans. California is in for four more years of punishment for not voting for Bush. (Remember all the help we got during the Bush/Enron caused electricity "shortage?")
It seems that millions of people voted for four more years of this administration based on their belief that Bush represents their "moral values." I absolutely do not understand that. Is America really that corrupt? Am I to believe that all these people readily lie every day? We know Bush does. He lied about his reasons for invading Iraq to serve his own purposes.
The only thing left to hope for is that Bush and Cheney's nefarious previous activities catch up to them. That the truth about Halliburton and Enron is finally shown in the light of public scrutiny. That the full weight of American Justice falls on their heads and they are shown to be hypocrites.
I know I sound bitter. I am. Did you know that Switzerland has some very pretty bike trails? I wonder what the housing prices are like?
"The spirit of cooperation I have seen in this hall is what is needed in Washington, D.C. It is the challenge of our moment. After a difficult election, we must put politics behind us and work together to make the promise of America available for every one of our citizens.
I am optimistic that we can change the tone in Washington, D.C.
I believe things happen for a reason, and I hope the long wait .... will heighten a desire to move beyond the bitterness and partisanship of the recent past.
Our nation must rise above a house divided. Americans share hopes and goals and values far more important than any political disagreements.
Republicans want the best for our nation, and so do Democrats. Our votes may differ, but not our hopes.
I know America wants reconciliation and unity. I know Americans want progress. And we must seize this moment and deliver.
Together, guided by a spirit of common sense, common courtesy and common goals, we can unite and inspire the American citizens."
George W. Bush - December 2000.
Today, G.W.B. said:
"With that trust comes a duty to serve all Americans, and I will do my best to fulfil that duty every day as your president.
Reaching these goals will require the broad support of Americans, so today I want to speak to every person who voted for my opponent.
To make this nation stronger and better, I will need your support and I will work to earn it. I will do all I can do to deserve your trust.
A new term is a new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation. We have one country, one constitution, and one future that binds us.
And when we come together and work together, there is no limit to the greatness of America."
It wasn't true when he said it in 2000, and it isn't true today. Why was this election so bitter? Why was is the country so divided? Why are there so many hurt feelings? Because G.W.B. doesn't really want to be "A Uniter, not a Divider." He, and his posse, relish the fight. They mobilize their base, they don't reach out to others. He has no intention of serving all Americans. California is in for four more years of punishment for not voting for Bush. (Remember all the help we got during the Bush/Enron caused electricity "shortage?")
It seems that millions of people voted for four more years of this administration based on their belief that Bush represents their "moral values." I absolutely do not understand that. Is America really that corrupt? Am I to believe that all these people readily lie every day? We know Bush does. He lied about his reasons for invading Iraq to serve his own purposes.
The only thing left to hope for is that Bush and Cheney's nefarious previous activities catch up to them. That the truth about Halliburton and Enron is finally shown in the light of public scrutiny. That the full weight of American Justice falls on their heads and they are shown to be hypocrites.
I know I sound bitter. I am. Did you know that Switzerland has some very pretty bike trails? I wonder what the housing prices are like?
Sound Familiar?
"The spirit of cooperation I have seen in this hall is what is needed in Washington, D.C. It is the challenge of our moment. After a difficult election, we must put politics behind us and work together to make the promise of America available for every one of our citizens.
I am optimistic that we can change the tone in Washington, D.C.
I believe things happen for a reason, and I hope the long wait .... will heighten a desire to move beyond the bitterness and partisanship of the recent past.
Our nation must rise above a house divided. Americans share hopes and goals and values far more important than any political disagreements.
Republicans want the best for our nation, and so do Democrats. Our votes may differ, but not our hopes.
I know America wants reconciliation and unity. I know Americans want progress. And we must seize this moment and deliver.
Together, guided by a spirit of common sense, common courtesy and common goals, we can unite and inspire the American citizens."
George W. Bush - December 2000.
Today, G.W.B. said:
"With that trust comes a duty to serve all Americans, and I will do my best to fulfil that duty every day as your president.
Reaching these goals will require the broad support of Americans, so today I want to speak to every person who voted for my opponent.
To make this nation stronger and better, I will need your support and I will work to earn it. I will do all I can do to deserve your trust.
A new term is a new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation. We have one country, one constitution, and one future that binds us.
And when we come together and work together, there is no limit to the greatness of America."
It wasn't true when he said it in 2000, and it isn't true today. Why was this election so bitter? Why was is the country so divided? Why are there so many hurt feelings? Because G.W.B. doesn't really want to be "A Uniter, not a Divider." He, and his posse, relish the fight. They mobilize their base, they don't reach out to others. He has no intention of serving all Americans. California is in for four more years of punishment for not voting for Bush. (Remember all the help we got during the Bush/Enron caused electricity "shortage?")
It seems that millions of people voted for four more years of this administration based on their belief that Bush represents their "moral values." I absolutely do not understand that. Is America really that corrupt? Am I to believe that all these people readily lie every day? We know Bush does. He lied about his reasons for invading Iraq to serve his own purposes.
The only thing left to hope for is that Bush and Cheney's nefarious previous activities catch up to them. That the truth about Halliburton and Enron is finally shown in the light of public scrutiny. That the full weight of American Justice falls on their heads and they are shown to be hypocrites.
I know I sound bitter. I am. Did you know that Switzerland has some very pretty bike trails? I wonder what the housing prices are like?
"The spirit of cooperation I have seen in this hall is what is needed in Washington, D.C. It is the challenge of our moment. After a difficult election, we must put politics behind us and work together to make the promise of America available for every one of our citizens.
I am optimistic that we can change the tone in Washington, D.C.
I believe things happen for a reason, and I hope the long wait .... will heighten a desire to move beyond the bitterness and partisanship of the recent past.
Our nation must rise above a house divided. Americans share hopes and goals and values far more important than any political disagreements.
Republicans want the best for our nation, and so do Democrats. Our votes may differ, but not our hopes.
I know America wants reconciliation and unity. I know Americans want progress. And we must seize this moment and deliver.
Together, guided by a spirit of common sense, common courtesy and common goals, we can unite and inspire the American citizens."
George W. Bush - December 2000.
Today, G.W.B. said:
"With that trust comes a duty to serve all Americans, and I will do my best to fulfil that duty every day as your president.
Reaching these goals will require the broad support of Americans, so today I want to speak to every person who voted for my opponent.
To make this nation stronger and better, I will need your support and I will work to earn it. I will do all I can do to deserve your trust.
A new term is a new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation. We have one country, one constitution, and one future that binds us.
And when we come together and work together, there is no limit to the greatness of America."
It wasn't true when he said it in 2000, and it isn't true today. Why was this election so bitter? Why was is the country so divided? Why are there so many hurt feelings? Because G.W.B. doesn't really want to be "A Uniter, not a Divider." He, and his posse, relish the fight. They mobilize their base, they don't reach out to others. He has no intention of serving all Americans. California is in for four more years of punishment for not voting for Bush. (Remember all the help we got during the Bush/Enron caused electricity "shortage?")
It seems that millions of people voted for four more years of this administration based on their belief that Bush represents their "moral values." I absolutely do not understand that. Is America really that corrupt? Am I to believe that all these people readily lie every day? We know Bush does. He lied about his reasons for invading Iraq to serve his own purposes.
The only thing left to hope for is that Bush and Cheney's nefarious previous activities catch up to them. That the truth about Halliburton and Enron is finally shown in the light of public scrutiny. That the full weight of American Justice falls on their heads and they are shown to be hypocrites.
I know I sound bitter. I am. Did you know that Switzerland has some very pretty bike trails? I wonder what the housing prices are like?
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Even rules go down to wire:
Challenging new voters at the polls? Sounds a lot like intimidation to me.
"What to do at polls"
Whether you are a first-time or longtime voter, casting a ballot can be a confusing process. Here are some tips to make sure your vote is counted today:
1. Don't panic if you registered to vote and you can't find your name on a list. Get help from a poll worker.
2. Bring photo identification with you to the polling place, along with a current utility bill or something else to show who you are and where you live. Voters who registered by mail and are voting for the first time are required to provide this information. If you have no identification, you may sign a statement declaring who you are and where you live.
3. Read the signs on how to use the voting machines, a list of your voting rights and how to file a complaint if your voting rights have been violated.
4. Vote between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. to avoid long lines. Know when polls close in your area. If you are standing in line at the time when the poll is scheduled to close, you will be allowed to vote.
5. If your name is not on the polling place's list of registered voters, you are entitled to a provisional ballot that will allow you to vote. It will be counted later, after election officials confirm your status as a registered voter.
6. When finished voting, check your ballot to make sure you voted the way you wanted to.
7. If you feel your rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with your state election officials. Every polling place must be able to provide contact information about where you can file the complaint.
8. If you experience problems, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE. That's the hot line being operated by the Election Protection Coalition, which is composed of many organizations including the League of Women Voters. You can also call 1-866-747-1471. That's the U.S. Election Assistance Commission."
Republicans have no sense of humor!
Republicans are "appalled" by a DJ's comment that because of the record amount of interest in this election, Democrats are voting on Tuesday, and Republicans on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Who takes a DJ seriously? Sheese.... and everyone says Kerry looks depressed all the time....
Republicans are "appalled" by a DJ's comment that because of the record amount of interest in this election, Democrats are voting on Tuesday, and Republicans on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Who takes a DJ seriously? Sheese.... and everyone says Kerry looks depressed all the time....
Monday, November 01, 2004
Since 1933, the Washington Redskins have correctly predicted the winner of the Presidential Election
And by losing to Green Bay, they are favoring Kerry. Let's hope that this streak doesn't go the way of the Curse of the Bambino.
And by losing to Green Bay, they are favoring Kerry. Let's hope that this streak doesn't go the way of the Curse of the Bambino.