Thursday, October 23, 2008

Interesting anagram

Did you know that an anagram for "Stop the War" is:

That's Power.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is better:
Anagram for "Lou Schwing" = I Hug Clowns!

5:31 PM  
Blogger Lou Schwing said...

That's actually cool. Thanks for that.

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anagram for "anonymous:" Annoy Um So.

- The Pinkness Hop

(which should amuse the forementioned!)

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Annoy Um So." Excellent! And Lou, we're friends. I've known you for years! I want to engage in an interesting coversation with you, because we're coming from different directions on the issues, and I think I could learn from you. According to the "political survey" I'm not as far in the "Republican/Capitalist" quadrant as you are into the "Socialist/Democrat" column. But, we're both Christians and I want to see how our beliefs are compatible under the framework of what God has taught us. Sorry you think I'm a coward for posting anonymous. You're probably correct. But, many of these topics elicit stong feelings. I'd like to share a dialogue and learn from you, and possibly challenge you at the same time. In order to do so, I would like to keep it anonymous for the time being, if you're willing, partly because I value our friendship and you can rail against "anonymous" easier than a known entity; and partly because I don't know who else is reading your blog. Let me know if you're amenable to this arrangement. If not, we may do it via e-mail instead. Best regards. I hope to hear from you!

12:28 PM  
Blogger Lou Schwing said...

Too often Anonymous comments on a blog are drive by trolling. So I reacted to you as a "one hit wonder" not knowing if you were coming back or not.

It does put me at a disadvantage because I don't know what other factors may play into your thoughts, while you do have knowledge of my background. But, if you're worried about 'exposure' I'll go ahead and continue to comment as long as it seems to be working. So far, I haven't figured your identity out - you're still safe.

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Lou. I do have a tremendous amount of respect for you. I perhaps hit a little hard and came off sounding caustic; I wish I could retract earlier comments and rephrase them in order to engage in a lively debate. After all, isn't that the point of a blog? If one is only narrating one's opinions to win the approval of friends and find others of like minded opinion, then it seems somewhat pointless to me. At the same time, I don't want to risk offending a friend with whom I differ on some issues, but I want to learn from you. I’d like to see why you feel the way you do and reassess my own world view. I'd rather do this over a beer in person--I haven't seen you in years!

I'll try to proof read and edit my posts better so as to better and more appropriately convey my thoughts. You have good counter points. I hope our dialogue continues and that others who are reading our banter will be respectful and possibly join in. I tire of all the angry rants I read in the "comments" section on the online news articles I read. I will do my best to refrain from attacks, and will back off from some of the acidic sounding posts I may have made earlier. Best regards!

5:34 PM  

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