Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I'm Sorry Rush

That I called you a stupid lazy liar. Well, actually, I don't need to apologize, because I'm not a brown nosing Republican.

Try this fun little tool to send your apology today, courtesy of the DCCC!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the incessant fascination with Rush by the Dems? Even the Whitehouse feels the need to spar with him:

"The White House on Wednesday fessed up to lowering the quality of public discourse and acknowledged that its sniping at radio show host Rush Limbaugh has been "counterproductive," even as Democratic political committees continued to use the issue in a political line of attack approved by the Obama administration itself.

"It may be counterproductive. I'll give you that," said White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, when asked about his repeated verbal jousting with Mr. Limbaugh and other media personalities who have criticized President Obama."


With as many critics as the Bush adminstration had, I don't recall them getting all wrapped up in sparing with anyone in particular in the media. Is Rush considered such an actual threat to stopping Obama's agenda (i.e. spending spree / socialist dreams) that they need to try to dignify his comments with continous attention?

More interesting, in my opinion, is Jim Cramer's piece on what's going on with Obama's spending. Keep in mind Cramer is a dem who happily voted FOR Obama.

Prepare yourself for MASSIVE inflation in the years ahead. I fear it's coming!

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Steele is a wuss. He was right the first time, and shouldn't have knuckled under.

Apart from the True Believers of the far right, the GOP has a long, long way to go if it ever hopes to regain the respect and trust of the "average American." Pandering to the likes of Limbaugh, Coulter, et. al. certainly is not going to cut it.

6:58 AM  

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