Wednesday, September 12, 2007

25 Skills Every Man Should Know: The List, Ready for Your Debate - Popular Mechanics

Interesting article, how many can you do? How many have you done?

1. Patch a radiator hose (owned an MG)
2. Protect your computer (Protected full networks)
3. Rescue a boater who as capsized (Not in an emergency, but in Lifesaving class)
4. Frame a wall (First Sound Advice Studio)
5. Retouch digital photos (Plenty of times)
6. Back up a trailer (Parking the Scout Trailer)
7. Build a campfire (Too many times to count)
8. Fix a dead outlet (This is easy)
9. Navigate with a map and compass (All the time)
10. Use a torque wrench (Had that MG, remember?)
11. Sharpen a knife (All the time)
12. Perform CPR (He had a heart attack.. didn't make it. :( )
13. Fillet a fish (If you catch 'em, you gotta eat 'em)
14. Maneuver a car out of a skid (Going a little fast...)
15. Get a car unstuck (Snow or Mud?)
16. Back up data (Almost daily)
17. Paint a room (Several times)
18. Mix concrete (Plenty of times)
19. Clean a bolt-action rifle (Scouts like to shoot...)
20. Change oil and filter (Remember that MG?)
21. Hook up an HDTV (A couple of them now)
22. Bleed brakes (Loved that little car)
23. Paddle a canoe (Down the Colorado in 119 degree heat!)
24. Fix a bike flat (Plenty of times - even on the road)
25. Extend your wireless network (Amazing - it worked!)

I'm feeling pretty manly right about now. Not only do I know how to do all of these... I've actually done all of them. Yes, I've even performed CPR on a person who needed it, not just on a dummy. (Hey, they didn't say the guy had to live).

Write up your list, and let me know which ones you've done....


Blogger Sturgeon's Lawyer said...

To begin with, I can't help wondering about Popular Mechanics editors. Shouldn't women know how to do these things also?

1. Patch a radiator hose

Not a clue.

2. Protect your computer

From what? I can install spam and virus blocking software. But the only truly safe computer is one locked in a closet and not turned on.

3. Rescue a boater who as capsized

As with you.

4. Frame a wall

I know how in theory but I've never done it.

5. Retouch digital photos


6. Back up a trailer


7. Build a campfire

Whoa yeah.

8. Fix a dead outlet

Depends on why it's dead... I've fixed simple ones. Anything more and I call a pro.

9. Navigate with a map and compass

Not in 30+ years.

10. Use a torque wrench

Use a what?

11. Sharpen a knife

With stone or grinder?

12. Perform CPR

Never needed to, praise God. But have had the training and refreshers.

13. Fillet a fish (If you catch 'em, you gotta eat 'em)

This is why I don't catch 'em. I don't want to eat 'em.

14. Maneuver a car out of a skid

Learned how after my first, near-fatal accident.

15. Get a car unstuck

Yep. A small truck for that matter.

16. Back up data

Not often enough!

17. Paint a room

Rooms, outsides of houses...

18. Mix concrete

Yep. Reinforced drainage ditches, dogproofed fences.

19. Clean a bolt-action rifle

No thank you. I'm pro RKBA but don't want to myself.

20. Change oil and filter


21. Hook up an HDTV

Yep. Amy Martin's, actually.

22. Bleed brakes

What on earth does that mean?

23. Paddle a canoe

Not in 30+ years...

24. Fix a bike flat

Fix flat, hell. Repair (old-style) derailleurs, adjust brake tension, all that good stuff.

25. Extend your wireless network

Yes, but it's easy with AirPort. But I've never managed to get the PC laptop working with it...

9:03 AM  
Blogger Lou Schwing said...

I was thinking of a few others that should have been on the list...

Drive a stick shift.
Split wood.
Get rid of household critters. (Spiders, rats, etc.)
Chug a beer in under 5 seconds.
Use tie downs on a truck.
Whittle. Or for the advanced, do wood carving.
Use a table saw.
Tie a necktie.
Kill a bear bare handed.
Hook up your stereo.
Understand and be able to explain the infield fly rule, pass interference, icing and offsides in soccer.
Know how to hang a bear bag and prevent bears from coming to your camp.
Make a good martini.
Negotiate. (None of this "What's your best price?" crap)

2:21 PM  

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