Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Gibson Trims Passion

You know, I'm not sure I'm really up for seeing this movie - by all indications it's pretty violent. I'll certainly see it on DVD, but in the theatre?

That being said, I think two things should be addressed. The whole idea of the Jews killing Jesus is absurd. We all killed Jesus. Besides, Jesus had to die anyway - no one should feel bad for it! It was meant to happen. It had to happen.

Second, this is *exactly* why we should have a workable film rating system for movies aimed squarely at adults. NC-17 is *not* the same as X! It is designed to be a rating that excludes children under 17 from seeing a film. Even if their parents are blithering idiots and would take them. I wouldn't mind if more movies were rated NC-17, but too many people in America think that anything that is "adult" equals "porno." To me the most disturbing images are the violent ones, not the sexual ones. I'd really like to have movies restricted to adults, and not let the teenagers in to see movies they really shouldn't be seeing.


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