Friday, August 17, 2007

Snow to Leave White House Before Bush

Why does the image of rats abandoning a ship keep popping up in my head?



Blogger Mike Van Pelt said...

Hm.... Calling someone a "rat leaving a sinking ship" because they are quitting due to the fact that they are dying of cancer seems a bit over the top, even by today's Democratic Underground/Daily Kos/Huffington Post standards of charity.

6:25 AM  
Blogger Lou Schwing said...

While it is true that he is still in chemotherapy, that's not the reason he gave for leaving. His stated reason in the article was, "because of financial pressures."

I probably mixed my metaphors a little too - I was perhaps a little too eager to use that image. In the article, they mention Rove's leaving, as well as Bartlett and Card. Now with Snow's resignation, it felt like they were abandoning a sinking ship.

The image was a reference to Bush - and the multiple times he's misled the American people.

I could have been more careful not to give the impression that Snow was a rat personally, just that it seems like a bunch of folks are jumping ship, leaving us "smelling a rat" in the way Bush has dealt with us.

9:48 AM  

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